Dear Associate,
Thank you again for joining Brera Touring Cup. Please find below important information related to our Event.
COVID situation and security measures during the Event: As you can easily imagine we are closely monitoring the COVID pandemic evolution, conscious that it would be really sad if we had to cancel the Event for the second time. At the same time, we want to ensure that all crews, regardless of their country of origin, have the opportunity to reach the place of departure and to participate in complete safety, for themselves and for others, in consideration of the Government regulations issued by Italy and France. We will begin to provide periodic information on the evolution of the pandemic and the geographical areas at risk from this month. In particular we will ensure that meetings, lunches and dinners will be organised in a way that can avoid gatherings and risks, without compromising the team spirit that has always distinguished Brera Touring Cup. We will evaluate and inform you about the need of providing a negative COVID test before reaching the meeting place, We will also provide free masks and disinfection kits for all participants for the duration of the entire Event. Finally we will publish the safety policies of the facilities of our stays.
Itinerary and cancellation: Based on current assessments and forecasts, also relating to the proceeding of vaccinations, we believe it is still possible to respect the Italian-French itinerary of this edition, however we are preparing an alternative itinerary limited to a single nation, in line with the local development of COVID and the free movement of all participants from other countries. With this we intend to inform you that, for the entire month of May and until June 14, we reserve the right to make changes, even substantial ones, to the planned itinerary. In case it won’t be possible to adjust our program with national or international regulations, we may also decide to cancel the Event. A final cancellation or postponement decision will be made on June 14th, one month before the Event date.
Payment of registration fees: As you have noticed, we have repeatedly postponed the payment of the shares, in order to avoid, as happened last year, the unfortunate need of refunds often burdened by bank commissions and / or exchange rates. We can now confirm the following payment plan:
Deposit: (€ 150 per participant) April 30: you can proceed with payment at your earliest convenience. Deposit: (€ 240 per participant) by 30 May 2021. Balance: by June 14, 2021.
It remains at your discretion to pay the entire registration fee in advance. The cancellation and refund policies are indicated here.
Please make your payment on the following bank account:
Bank: PostFinance Ltd Address: Mingerstrasse, 20 - 3030 Bern Account: 15-6826853 IBAN: CH26 0900 0000 1568 2685 3 BIC: POFICHBEXXX Payable to: 939 Privilege Owners Club Address: 8302 Kloten (Zurich) CH euroSCI Clearing-Nr: 090002
For any clarifications, please do not hesitate to contact us by replying to this e-mail.
The Brera Touring Cup Team